
JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) continues to expand the i-Pubers trial or digitally input data on the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. With this application, farmers can now get subsidized fertilizers using only identity cards (KTP).

Director of Business Transformation of Pupuk Indonesia, Panji Winanteya Ruky said the i-Pubers trial this time was carried out in Bali, after a similar process was carried out in Bangka Belitung, Riau and South Kalimantan (Kalsel) and Aceh.

After the trial, continued Panji, i-Pubers will be applied nationally or used in all kiosks to distribute subsidized fertilizers to farmers who are entitled to receive them.

Panji said there were a number of benefits for the use of i-Pubers. One of them is to prevent crimes or smuggling subsidized fertilizers when they are distributed from factories, kiosks to farmers.

Furthermore, Panji believes that with the application of integration between T-Pubers belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and the Pupuk Indonesia Partner application, the distribution process of subsidized fertilizers will be easy to monitor.

"We recorded all subsidy fertilizer transactions, including subsidized fertilizers, from factories to kiosks, until they are released to farmers, with the hope that we can record all the movements of subsidized fertilizers that are monitored, easy to trace, and traced," said Panji at the Krama Subak Lumbung Cooperative Kiosk. Sari, Tremese Village, Gianyar District, Bali Province, Monday, July 3.

Not only that, said Panji, other uses are to make it easier for farmers to make up for subsidized fertilizers in kiosks. Where, farmers only need to bring their ID cards to be scanned by the population identification number (NIK).

Furthermore, continued Panji, kiosks will include the number of redeeming transactions and farmers are asked to sign virtual transaction evidence on the i-Pubers application.

At the time of the transaction, ID cards belonging to farmers and farmers along with subsidy products that are redeemed will be photographed by kiosks through i-Pubers which are equipped with geo-tagging and timestamp. The location and time of the transaction will be recorded and also facilitate tracing.

"We make it easier for farmers. So the farmers just need to bring their ID cards, bring themselves to redeem fertilizers and everything is recorded digitally, there are no need for sheets of forms and photocopies and others to redeem fertilizers," he explained.

Not only that, continued Panju, with digitalization, Pupuk Indonesia can also provide data to the government to carry out policy analysis.

"So we recorded all data related to the distribution and redeem of subsidized fertilizers. Now these data can be used by the government to improve policies," he said.

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