
JAKARTA - As an effort to encourage the growth and development of small and medium industries (IKM), the Directorate General of Small, Medium, and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) facilitates the improvement of technology and production infrastructure using the Special Allocation Fund for Physical Small and Medium Industries (Physical DAK for IKM).

One of the results of the implementation of the competitiveness improvement program through the Physical DAK for the IKM Sector in 2022 is the Revitalization of the Olahan Food IKM Center in Kolok, Bargin District, Sawahlunto City.

"If a center has good institutions and asset management, later stakeholders at the center, such as business actors, raw materials suppliers, and consumers can feel a positive economic impact," said Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry Reni Yanita in Jakarta, on Monday, June 19.

Reni said, it is also necessary to increase competitiveness through unphysical facilitation, such as the application of food quality standards that are guided by Good Processed Food Production (CPPOB).

This effort is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 75 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Good Processed Food Production (Good Manufacturing Practices).

"By implementing CPPOB, food processing IKM businesses will find it easier to obtain required certification for food products, such as distribution, halal, HACCP, and others," he said.

In addition to implementing quality standards, Reni emphasized the importance of central institutional implementation. This is because good corporate management will have an impact on effective and efficient factory performance.

"The development or revitalization of the IKM center can be analogized as the establishment or expansion of a factory, while the central institution is an aspect of the management or management of the company from the factory," he said.

At the downstream stage, the Director General of IKMA also hopes that the revitalization of IKM centers will continue with strengthening synergy and collaboration between local governments, central managers, and external parties who can be used as business partners.

For example, with hotel management and tourism managers to market IKM products from the center, besides of course encouraging the commitment of regional apparatus to buy products produced by business actors in the center.

"Synergy can also be done in terms of capacity building at centers, such as increasing the capacity of human resources for business actors and central managers," said Reni.

In addition, Reni has also attended the groundbreaking of the Silungkang Weaving Center Development program, whose budget is financed by the Physical DAK for IKM in 2023.

"We hope that all facilities and support for increasing competitiveness for IKM business actors, both those sourced from the Special Allocation Fund budget, or the APBN, APBD, and other financing sources, can contribute positively and clearly to improving the economy," he added.

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