
JAKARTA PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is said to continue its business expansion in 2023 by adding a service provider for the cost of living or living costs for pilgrims.

Bank Muamalat President Director Indra Falatehan said this step was in line with the government's mandate through the Ministry of Religion to the company.

"This year we will handle living costs for Bekasi and Surabaya embarkation pilgrims," he said in a press release today, Wednesday, May 2.

According to Indra, the opportunity for business development provided by the state cannot be separated from the support of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), which has now become the company's main shareholders.

"We should have served the needs of the pilgrims because Bank Muamalat has a strong historical bond with them. Moreover, currently Controlling Shareholders (PSP) are BPKH with a portion of 82.6 percent," he said.

Indra explained, in the process of establishing Bank Muamalat, it was recorded that it involved funds belonging to the pilgrims which were used as initial capital.

Therefore, continued Indra, his party has a moral responsibility to serve the needs of the pilgrims who will go to worship in the Holy Land.

"Bank Muamalat is proud to get this mandate. The trust given is also our commitment to support the success of the implementation of the pilgrimage," he stressed.

For information, the first Islamic banking in Indonesia also synergizes with BPKH in terms of information transparency regarding the value of the benefits of the paid Hajj funds.

The BPKH Virtual Account (BPKH VA) application is connected to the Muamalat DIN mobile banking application between servers or hosts-to-hosts.

Through this collaboration, prospective pilgrims, both Bank Muamalat and non-customers, can use the DIN Muamalat to see the value of the benefits of the latest Hajj deposit through the Hajj Bank menu.

In addition to checking the value of benefits, in the Hajj Bank menu there are also Hajj registration and payment features.

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