
JAKARTA - PT Data Sinergitama Jaya Tbk (ELIT) will distribute a final dividend of IDR 7.1 billion to shareholders. This has been approved at the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) which was held on Wednesday, May 24.

This amount is around 73.76 percent of the net profit obtained by ELIT last year. This means that each ELIT shareholder will get IDR 3.5 per share.

President Director of Data Sinergitama Jaya, Kresna Adiprawira said, the distribution of final dividends is based on the results of the company's brilliant performance in 2022. This dividend distribution is also to provide value to Elitery shareholders.

"Therefore, the profits are also returned to shareholders through dividend deposits, while the remaining net profit will be added to retained earnings to support our business to be ready to run even further in 2023," Kresna said during a public expose.

This dividend will be distributed on June 23, 2023. The recording date falls on June 7, 2023.

For information, the issuer with the name Elitery beken has a net profit of Rp9.6 billion in 2022, an increase compared to the previous period of Rp4.9 billion.

Earning Profit Of IDR 3.81 Billion In The First Quarter Of 2023

Elitery reported that financial performance in the first quarter of 2023 was recorded to have grown 31.98 percent to Rp3.81 billion from Rp2.91 billion in the previous year.

ELIT's Finance Director, Audy Satria Wardhana, said that ELIT managed to earn IDR 65.24 billion in the first quarter of 2023 or grew 91.14 percent from the previous year which was recorded at IDR 34.13 billion.

"This is because mainly sales continue to increase quite significantly every year, which is almost 100 percent every year or twice from 2020-2022," said Audy.

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