
Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said that completing and achieving the target needs to be the main focus in the Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2024.

"This achievement is also influenced by the implementation of development at the regional level, as well as cooperation with Non-State Actors," said Suharso as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 16.

This was said by Suharso during the 2023 National Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbangnas) in the context of drafting the 2024 RKP, as well as launching the 2020-2050 Population Projection at the Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center.

As the explanation of the last year of RPJMN 2020-2024, the 2024 RKP is focused on achieving development targets in the 2020-2024 Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), as well as laying a solid foundation towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

The theme of the RKP in 2024 is 'Accelerated Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation' while maintaining seven National Priorities as the focus of development in 2024.

In the initial draft RKP 2024, a development target has been set that needs attention, including 5.3-5.7 percent economic growth, 6.5-7.5 percent Poverty Rate, 5-5.7 percent Open Unemployment Rate.

Furthermore, the Gini Ratio is 0.374-0.377 points, the Human Development Index is 73.99-74.02 points, the Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions is 27.27 percent, the Fisherman's Exchange Value is 107-110 points, and the Farmer's Exchange Value is 105-108 points.

Several national development indicators that are emphasized in achieving development targets continue to be pursued through eight policy directions.

Starting from reducing poverty and eliminating extreme poverty, improving the quality of education and health services, then revitalizing industry and strengthening applied research, strengthening business competitiveness.

Then also low-carbon development and energy transition, acceleration of basic infrastructure development and connectivity, acceleration of development of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN), and the implementation of the 2024 General Election.

In the 2024 RKP, the implementation of Major Project will continue which has a significant role in supporting national priority achievements.

The emphasis is given to the 16 Major Projects based on the Policy Direction of the 2024 RKP.

"The plan of the entire Major Project is sharpened using the Clearing House mechanism to ensure the benefits of development output for the community, not only sent but delivered," said Suharso.

Furthermore, the preparation of the 2024 RKP is said to have gone through several stages involving various stakeholders.

Such as the Public Consultation Forum, the Development Planning Technical Coordination Meeting, the Provin Development Planning Deliberation.

As well as Musrenbangnas which began on May 2, 2023, involving all ministries/agencies and local governments.

With the implementation of these series of activities, it is hoped that it will be able to produce planning documents that ensure the synergy of all development actors, between central and regional agencies, as well as other stakeholders.

"After the Musrenbangnas implementation, preliminary talks will be held with the DPR RI and the determination of the Presidential Regulation on the 2024 RKP as the basis for the preparation of financial notes and RAPBN (State Budget Plan) for 2024," said the Head of Bappenas.

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