H+1 Backflow, General Transport Users Increase 29.70 Percent
Eid homecoming illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)


The Ministry of Transportation noted that the number of users of public transportation on Monday or D+1 Lebaran in 2023, there was an increase in the number of users of public transportation, which was 29.70 percent.

The number of public transport users was recorded at 824,494 people. This number increased by 29.70 percent compared to the movement on the second day of Eid or H2 as many as 635,714 people," said Transportation Ministry Spokesperson Adita Irawati in Jakarta, Tuesday evening, April 25.

The movement was dominated by users of air transportation as many as 232,411 people or 27.59 percent of the total users of public transportation on D+1 yesterday.

Furthermore, continued Adita, the second largest movement was for rail transportation users as many as 177,761 people or 21.10 percent of total users, 177,761 road transportation (AKAP) or 21.10 percent of ferry transportation 170,361 people or 20.22 percent and sea transportation 68,598 people or 8.14 percent.

At this year's Integrated Eid Transport Post, passenger and vehicle movement points were monitored from 111 terminals, 18 ferry ports, 51 airports, 110 Seaports, 13 Daop or Railway Divre, 42 Toll Gate and 20 Arterial Road sections.

"The movement of passengers is predicted to be still high on D+2 Tuesday, April 25 today," he said.

Meanwhile, cumulatively, said Adita, the number of public transport users monitored from D-8 to D+1 yesterday reached 8,487,767 people.

"This number increased by 7.05 percent compared to the same period in 2022 of 7,929,078 people," he explained.

Cumulatively, air transport passengers became the highest, namely 2,511,666 people, followed by lake and crossing river transportation (ASDP) of 2,022,637 people, rail transportation 1,643,866 people, road transportation 1,604,487 people, and sea transportation 722,656 people.

The cumulative percentage increase in the number of passengers compared to the same period last year occurred in air transportation which increased by 34.48 percent, followed by rail transportation 27.82 percent.

Vehicle Movement Towards Jabotabek Starts To Be High

Adita said Jasa Marga recorded a total of 222,326 vehicles on the Jabotabek toll road heading to Jakarta on April 1 or 24, 2023 yesterday, an increase of 68.17 percent compared to the normal daily traffic volume of 132,201 vehicles.

"When compared to the Lebaran 2022 period, this total traffic volume increased by 13.75 percent with a total of 195,453 vehicles," he explained.

This number is the cumulative number of traffic flows (traffic) from two Toll Gates (GT), namely GT Halim Inner City Toll Road, GT Cikunir 4 & Cikunir 6 Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Toll Road, and GT Ciawi Jagorawi Toll Road.

For traffic distribution back to Jabotabek from three directions, namely the majority of 131,170 vehicles (59.0 percent) from the East (Trans Java and Bandung), 48,902 vehicles (22.0 percent) from the West (Merak), and 42,254 vehicles (19.0 percent) from the South (Puncak) direction.

The peak of backflow vehicle density is predicted to still occur today (April 25, 2023). To make the trip more comfortable and prevent congestion, we urge the public to travel back from tomorrow, Wednesday to next Saturday (April 26 to 29, 2023)," said Adita.

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