
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati revealed that her party managed to handle the peak of the 2023 Lebaran homecoming flow well and did not accept the scarcity of fuel supply.

In her statement, Nicke stated, based on the results of monitoring by Pertamina Integrated Data and Command Center (PIEDCC) Pertamina, it was seen that the peak of the homecoming flow occurred on D-2 Eid Al-Fitr, namely on Thursday, April 20, 2023.

"Alhamdulillah, we managed to handle it well, there was no shortage of fuel on the homecoming routes, fuel stocks were also maintained safely," said Nicke, quoted on Monday, April 24.

Nicke added that the report from PIEDCC was issued every day so that it could continue to be monitored directly. After successfully securing fuel stocks during the homecoming flow, Pertamina will focus on managing fuel supplies in homecoming destinations and tourist areas.

"Three days we will focus on managing fuel supply in homecoming destinations and tourist areas, and then we will get ready to welcome backflow," said Nicke.

On this occasion, Nicke also appealed to all people who want to buy fuel, they can use the non-cash payment method to speed up queues at gas stations.

"We also urge people to use cashless payments for purchasing fuel, so that transactions are faster and safer, and there are no queues at gas stations," concluded Nicke.

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