
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) held a commemoration of Nuzulul Quran in Ramadan 1444 H at the Ministry of PUPR Auditorium, on Friday, April 14.

The event was attended by all Middle and Primary High Officials within the Ministry of PUPR and the community living around the Ministry of PUPR Complex mosque.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono invited all PUPR personnel to interpret the commemoration of Nuzulul Quran, which is commemorated every 17 Ramadan, to strengthen themselves in carrying out the duties of the Ministry of PUPR to be guided by the Koran.

"The purpose of this Qur'an is as a guideline for our lives. So, I invite all of us to evaluate whether our behavior is in accordance with the Koran, especially in carrying out tasks at the Ministry of PUPR," Basuki said in a written statement, Saturday, February 15.

Basuki gave an example of one aspect of the behavior of Qurani which was revealed in the month of Ramadan is that it is obligatory to fast. However, fasting must also be accompanied by patience, tenacity, and sincerity.

"This is what I want to invite all of us to underlie the implementation of our tasks in a tenuous, patient, and sincere manner, our sincerity in carrying out this task and mandate," he said.

On this basis, Basuki invites all PUPR people to have sincere and sincere intentions in carrying out the task of organizing infrastructure in Indonesia to be able to prioritize worship values for the benefit of the community.

"I want to invite all of us to carry out this task sincerely, whatever is assigned, where the position is sincere, the results will definitely be better," he said.

Not to forget, Basuki also congratulated him on carrying out Ramadan fasting and commemorating Nuzulul Quran. "Once again, colleagues, let us carry out this task with sincerity in order to produce better and produce works that have the value of worship," he added.

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