
JAKARTA - PDAM Business Director Tirta Bhagasasi for the 2023-2027 period will soon be filled. This is after the selection committee opened registration on April 3-10, 2023.

Bekasi Regent Dani Ramdan said that the occupancy of the position is believed to be able to improve the performance of the company, which is currently focusing on optimizing clean water services to the people of Bekasi Regency after the separation of ownership with Bekasi City.

"The selection committee is at work. I ask that it be filled in immediately, don't delay again. If it is immediately filled, it can work immediately," he said in Cikarang, West Java quoting Antara.

"After separating from Bekasi City, practically PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi focuses on meeting the needs of the people of Bekasi Regency only and with the presence of new directors it will automatically help with service tasks including creating new business opportunities," he added.

As the power owner of PDAM, Tirta Bhagasasi, he asked the selection committee to immediately fill the position of directors.

"Because filling is also carried out on members of the company's supervisory board, I ask that they be filled in immediately, do it transparently, convey every stage progress to the public," he said.

PDAM President Director Tirta Bhagasasi Usep Rahman Salim fully handed over the process of filling the positions of directors and members of the supervisory board to the selection committee formed by the regional government as the owner of the capital.

"Please for registrants who meet the requirements, open opportunities are just following the election stages procedures according to the regulations set by the selection committee," he said.

Quoted from the announcement letter of the Selection Committee for Candidates for Directors and Supervisory Board of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi Number HM.03/002/Pansel.PDAMTB-Rek/2023, the people of Bekasi Regency were invited to register by fulfilling a number of stipulated provisions.

These provisions include general requirements, special requirements, registration procedures, and the registration deadline set by the selection committee.

Applicants are asked to send application documents via electronic mail to the address of panselPDamtb.kabbekasi with a delivery period of 3-10 April 2023 for business director applicants and 12-18 April 2023 for supervisory board candidates.

Applicants who meet administrative requirements will be announced by the selection team through the Bekasi Regency Government online website at on April 14, 2023, for prospective business director candidates and May 2, 2023 for prospective members of the supervisory board.

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