
JAKARTA - The Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) reminds the public to be more careful of illegal investment and online loans (pinjol) offers, especially before Eid 2023 when some people will earn more.

"The public is expected to first ensure the legality or license of companies that offer investment, and base decisions on logical considerations regarding the promised level of profit," said SWI Secretary Irhamsah in an official statement, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 5.

SWI juga mengingatkan kembali masyarakat agar tidak terjebak pada penawaran pinjol dengan syarat yang sangat mudah, proses cepat, tapi tidak berizin (legal), karena berpotensi menyulit di kemudian hari.

Furthermore, SWI also announced to normalize PT Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara (eFishery) because it has completed business licenses in accordance with applicable regulations.

Masyarakat dapat melakukan pengecekan legalitas suatu entitas dengan mengunjungi website dari otoritas yang mengawasinya atau dengan melihat daftar entitas yang telah dihentikan oleh Satgas Waspada Investasi melalui link sebagai berikut

Legality information can also be obtained through OJK contacts 157 or WA 081157157157.

"The public if they find an investment offer or a suspicious or suspected illegal loan can report it via consumer email, or email: be wary of investing," he said.

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