
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati and the board of directors of Pertamina subholding met with Commission VII DPR RI to reveal the cause of the fire at the Dumai Refinery on Saturday, April 1.

President Director of PT KPI, Taufik Aditiyawarman in his presentation revealed the chronology of the 6-inch pipe fire. The incident began at 22:42 p.m. there was a hydrogen gas leak in the 6-inch pipe at Compressor 212 C-2. The leak is located on the 2nd Stage Discharge Compressor line located between the 2nd Stage Compressor and the 3rd Stage Compressor.

"The flash followed the leak, causing vibrations and loud bangs. The latest data was felt up to a radius of 1 km which was affected by the residents' understanding," said Taufik in a hearing with Commission VII DPR RI, Tuesday, April 4.

Taufik continued, shortly after the incident, Pertamina activated the emengency shutdown system so that other HCU units were turned off so that they did not have an impact on other units. After the shutdown was carried out, Pertamina then extinguished and cooled the area.

"Alhamdulillah, my colleagues in the coordination field went well so that at 22:51 the fire was successfully extinguished and further evaluation at 23:30 conditions was declared safe," explained Taufik.

He added that currently the root cause of the flash incident is still under investigation by Pertamina Group, Director General of Oil and Gas ESDM and the Police.

"Sample and pipe materials will be checked in the laboratory for metalurgy analysis," concluded Taufik.

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