
JAKARTA - Ahead of the 2023 Eid Homecoming, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Highways also took a role in supporting road operations and availability.

Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian said, in supporting the smooth flow of traffic and the comfort of road users, the Ministry of PUPR is preparing several efforts.

"First, through the support of operational conditions and road availability as well as Rest and Service Places (TIP/rest area), then operational support for traffic management, as well as support for the comfort of road users," Hedy said in a written statement, Tuesday, March 28.

Hedy said that currently, the condition of the national road on Java Island along the 4.821 km is divided into 1.192 km of North Java with a steady condition of 92 percent, and Jalan Lintas Pantai Selatan Jawa 1.543 km with a steady condition of 93 percent.

"To support the smooth flow of Lebaran 2023 homecoming, efforts are made, including the addition of operational toll roads on the island of Java, such as Bekasi-Cawang - Kp. Malay (Section 2A Jaka Sampurna- Kayuringin-Ujung, 4.88 km), Semarang Demak (Seksi 2 Sayung-Demak, 16.01 km), and Ramp 2.4.5, and 8 Wringinanom-Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar junctions," explained Hedy.

Meanwhile, the potential for the Eid functional toll road on the island of Java includes Cinere-Jagorawi, Section 3B: Krukut-Limo (2.2 km), Serpong-Cinere, Section 2: Pamulang-Cinere (3.6 km).

Next, the Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road, Section 4: Taruma Jaya-Cilincing (7.3 km), Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan Toll Road, Cimalaka-Dawuan Section, Cileunyi-Pamulihan 1.40 km Section 2, Pamulihan-Sumedang 17.05 km, and Sumedang-Cimalaka 3 Section 4.05 km (32.5 km total).

Then, Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road, Section 2: Cigombong-Cibadak (11.9 km), Cimanggis-Cibitung, Section 2A: Jatikarya-Cikeas (3.5 km), Pasuruan-Probolinggo, Section 4A: Probolinggo Timur-IC Gending (8.6 km).

Furthermore, there are Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road, IB Section: CBD-Legok (5.4 km), and South Jakarta Cikampek II, Package 3: Kutanegara-Sedang (8.5 km).

For Toll Roads on the island of Java, which are 1,716 km long operational with a TIP of 90 TIP (56 TIP A, 34 TIP B, and 0 TIP C).

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