
YOGYAKARTA Every fresh graduate who sends job applications via email to a company, will certainly hope to be summoned to take part in the selection of employees in the next stage. Unfortunately, not all job application letters are accepted and considered to meet the qualifications.

The causes vary, ranging from grammar errors, job applications are uncomfortable to read, so they do not use professional email addresses.

So, so that this doesn't happen, pay attention to the tips for sending job applications via email below.

Summarized from the Gramedia Blog page, here are tips for sending job applications via email that must be known by fresh graduates:

Email addresses include one of the important data that applicants must include in their job application letters. However, many people still include unprofessional email addresses in their work report.

For example, using a strange nickname or certain nickname. So that your work application is approved by HRD or recruiter, use a professional email address, namely by using a full name, not by email whose name is difficult to read.

By using the naming of a professional email address, HRD or a recruiter will find it easier to recognize you.

Why do applicants have to cut the size of application file files to less than 1 MB? Using application file files with less than 1 MB will make it easier for HRD or recruitment to download the file.

In addition, the file size which is less than 1 MB will also make it easier for you to attach a job application file.

In addition to using a professional email address and paying attention to the size of the application file file, applicants are also not recommended to send a job application letter in MAY or Error format.

For your information, the shape of theappropriation and Rar is a form of compression file that allows a number of files to be collected into one with a smaller size.

Descriptions ofugas and rar files can reduce file sizes, however, this will make it difficult for an HRD or recruiter to change your application file file file.

Therefore, before sending a letter of application, make sure that your file is in accordance with the provisions that the company has informed you.

When sending a job application via email, pay attention to the writing of every word you use. Avoid using non-formal language, because it is not liked by the recruiter.

Also pay attention to reading and using capital letters such as the use of capital letters on the name of the company, the name of the person, and the name of the intended HRD or recruiter. Of all of these, you also have to make sure that your writing is not a typo, because it doesn't seem thorough.

When a recruiter opens an email, the part that is first read is the head of the email (subject). Therefore, you must write a clear subject when sending a job application via email.

Usually the company has given directions in the form of provisions in writing down the subject.

An example of the writing format of the subject is complete name-position-job application letter.

In addition to writing a clear subject, you must also pay attention to your body email before attaching the work application letter file.

Related to this, you can write a short application introduction letter which includes the greeting, opening, content, and closing parts.

In addition, there are several points that applicants must add in their body emails, including:

Sending a job application via email should be done during operating hours or company working hours in general. Usually, the company's working hours start at 08.00 and end at 17.00.

At these hours, there is optimal time so that your application file is checked by the company's HRD.

Related to this, you can send it between 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. or you can also send it between 14.00 a.m. to 15.00 p.m.

This is information about tips on sending job application letters via email. Hopefully this article can increase the insight of loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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