
JAKARTA - The domestic coffee market share and coffee consumption are increasing. Indonesian coffee itself has different characteristics, this uniqueness makes it begin to be in demand by foreign markets.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) is targeting a wider market for coffee sales from Indonesia. He said that currently many coffee lovers in the world like Indonesian coffee. One of them is coffee from the South Sulawesi region.

According to SYL, Sulawesi as the gateway to eastern Indonesia has many leading coffees spread across Toraja, Enrekang, Wajo, Parepare to Malakaji coffee which is already famous throughout the world.

Therefore, SYL hopes that there will be serious efforts and full support from all parties to strengthen export acceleration.

"In fact, his party has planned 30 million coffee planting. Because in my mind for the next five years there will be no coffee shops in the world which is the largest in the world in all countries without Indonesian coffee," said SYL in an official statement, Sunday, March 12.

"So there are no coffee cafes in the world that don't have toraja coffee, enrekang coffee, malakaji coffee and coffee parepare," he continued.

SYL explained that many coffees from Indonesia have fantastic prices in world coffee shops. Even based on the price at the One Day with Indonesian Coffee, Fruits, and Floriculture in 10 countries, the average price of Indonesian coffee reaches IDR 400,000 to IDR 500,000 per kilogram.

Therefore, said SYL, this considerable coffee potential needs to be increased to trigger the welfare of farmers and the wider community.

"We of course see the increasingly known branding of Arabica Toraja Coffee and Arabica Kalasi Enrekang and Bantaeng Arabica Coffee which already has Geographical Indication certification (characteristic product characterization of place). And now what we need is a measurable branding and sustainability, such as Kopi Commander who already has branding and rights to intellectual property," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nuralamsyah said that the Social Creative Coffee Expo program aims to introduce coffee products in South Sulawesi which have various kinds of distinctive flavors originating from the coffee center district.

The event is also an event to accelerate the promotion of national coffee products so that they are more widely known.

"We hope that through this activity, not only buying and selling but a partnership will be built between farmers and business actors in the absorption of coffee products at a remunerant and sustainable price," he said.

Andi also said there were more than 250 people present and consisting of farmers, coffee business players in South Sulawesi and several national coffee center provinces. Through this event, he said, the government targets the number of visitors for two days to reach 1,000 people.

We are also launching the Kopi Commander brand whose intellectual property rights belong to the Directorate General of Plantation. In the future, the commander's coffee becomes the brand used to promote the best regional coffees throughout Indonesia. The commander's coffee is designed to be a means of promoting coffee products with various special variants that have regional peculiarities," he explained.

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