
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir asked state-owned companies to have media infrastructure. This is both online and social media.

"I ask all SOEs to have media, online and social media infrastructure, not to cover up corruption, but to be part of openness," said Erick Thohir quoting Antara.

According to Erick, currently is an era of openness, an era where civil society is part of life, so in line with that he continues to encourage all SOEs to report performance and nothing is covered up.

"I encourage us to dare to talk about facts, not to close facts. We need to convey performance or policies that are already good because they are solutions," he said.

In supporting the role of public communication in SOE reporting, every SOE needs to have qualified infrastructure.

This can be done, be it online or offline media that can be a liaison to the public to inform the news and performance of SOEs.

In addition to infrastructure, support from internal parties also has an important role in public communication with BUMN news.

"BUMN employees must also actively participate in voicing the news, policies or performance of SOEs so that they can build pride in the company where employees take shelter," said Erick.

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