
The new tariff for the Bogor Outer Ring Road (BORR) Toll Road has officially increased and is enforced today.

In line with the increase in tariffs, PT Marga Sarana Jabar (MSJ) as the manager of the BORN Toll Road continues to improve services in all toll road services.

The tariff adjustment is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No.310/KPTS/M/2023 concerning Tariff Adjustments on the Bogor Ring Road Sections I, II, and III A Toll Roads.

"The implementation of this tariff also considers the balance between the ability to pay toll road users, conducive return of investment, fulfillment of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) and improving services from the BORN Section," wrote PT Marga Sarana Jabar (MSJ) as the manager, Sunday, March 12.

The BORN Toll Road with a total length of about 13.8 KM is an alternative road that connects Sentul Selabenda, as part of a series of developments from the previous section through the South Sentul, Kedung Halang, Kedung Badak, Simpang Yasmin and Simpang Semplak areas.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of PUPR, starting March 12, 2023 at 00.00 WIB, the new tariff on the Bogor Ring Road applies as follows:

1. Adjustment of BORR Rates for the South Sentul Segment - Simpang Semplak (Seksi 1-2.B + 3.A):

Goal I: IDR 15,000, originally IDR 14,000

Gol II: IDR 22,500 which was originally IDR 21,000

Gol III: IDR 22,500 which was originally IDR 21,000

Goal IV: IDR 30,000, originally IDR 28,000

Goal V: IDR 30,000 which was originally IDR 28,000

2. Cibadak-Samplak Segment Toll Tariff (Seksi 3.A):

Goal I: IDR 5,500 which was originally IDR 5,000

Gol II : IDR 8,000 which was originally IDR 7,500

Gol III: IDR 8,000 from IDR 7,500

Goal IV: IDR 11,000, originally IDR 10,000

Goal V: IDR 11,000 which was originally IDR 10,000

PT Marga Sarana Jabar (MSJ) continues to improve services in all toll road services.

In the field of transactions, among others, by increasing transaction capacity by increasing the number of mobile service points in the form of Mobile Reader (MR), providing service for the Top Up Center (TUC) area, one Reversible Substation (two-way service substation), and the construction of the Sentul Intersection for the integration of Jagorawi.

In addition, in the field of traffic services, PT MSJ changed the shoulder marker to yellow, and in the maintenance sector carried out road maintenance in the form of rolling Overlay (SFO), park beautification along toll roads as well as guardrail installations in all toll road areas and painting all toll road parapets.

The BORN Toll Road can unravel the density of traffic in Bogor City, especially on Jalan Sholeh Iskandar. The BORR Toll Road or Bogor Ring Road is also expected to facilitate the mobilization of the people and the Bogor economy as a buffer city for Jakarta.

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