
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) has again presented 5 units of the 7.4 KW Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) in Palembang.

With the operation of 5 (five) SPKLU units, a total of 12 SPKLUs have been spread across the PLN work area of the South Sumatra, Jambi and Bengkulu (UID S2JB) Distribution Main Unit.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo said, this is a form of PLN's commitment to accelerate the electric vehicle ecosystem in the country which is part of the energy transition.

The operation of this SPKLU is a form of support for accelerating the electric vehicle infrastructure ecosystem as a form of energy transition to Net Zero Emission by 2060. The energy transition from dirty energy to clean energy. The transition from fuel energy imports to domestic electrical energy," Darmawan explained in an official statement, Friday, March 3.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PLN UID S2JB, Amris Adnan said, 5 SPKLU 7.4 kW is regular charging type. This type of SPKLU is suitable to be in offices and is used for office employees who use electric vehicles.

"Users can charge while working in the office, while the car is parked for charging. From the results of the PLN team's experiment, it took about 4 hours to charge the electric car to full," said Amris.

The 5 points for placing SPKLU 7.4 kW are located at the South Sumatra Governor's Office Jl. Captain A. Rivai, the South Sumatra Provincial Energy and Mineral Resources Office Jalan Angkatan 45, the South Sumatra UIP PLN Office Jl. Resident Abdul Rozak, the Ampera Customer Service Unit PLN Office in Jakabaring, and the SBS Ex-UIK Office on Jalan Demang Lebar Daun.

Amris also said that the increase in the number of SPKLUs was aimed at facilitating growing electric vehicle users.

"PLN continues to be committed to developing the number of SPKLUs to facilitate users of electric vehicles that continue to grow, so that the electric vehicle ecosystem is realized," said Adnan.

Amris also invited the public not to hesitate if they wanted to switch to electric vehicles. Moreover, PLN will continue to add electricity infrastructure in the form of home charging and digital services through PLN Mobile.

"So people don't need to hesitate anymore. If you want to be more comfortable, you can also install home charging at home. Electricity matters are also very easy to access through PLN Mobile," concluded Amris.

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