
JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan emphasized that the key to achieving Indonesia's vision as a developed country in 2045 is the collaboration and cooperation of all parties.

This was conveyed by Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan when closing the 2023 Ministry of Trade Working Meeting (Raker) in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province.

To become a developed country, there are two things that must be done, namely domestic productivity which will produce strong thrust for exports. One of them is by creating domestic products that have added value and by developing an export market. For this reason, collaboration and cooperation of all parties are needed to be successful," he said as quoted on Friday, March 3.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, said that 2024 is the closing of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) series.

This RPJMN is a policy order that is the starting point for the achievement of the Vision of Advanced Indonesia 2045. This vision is a shared dream of the Indonesian nation as a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Indonesia's independence. In this period, Indonesia is the world's top five economies with a per capita income expected at 15,000 US dollars per year.

"This certainly requires high economic growth, which is an average of 5-7 percent. If it can be realized, Indonesia can become a developed country in 2045," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary General Suhanto revealed, related to the efficiency of the food supply chain in supporting equitable sustainable development, the Ministry of Trade needs to be aware of price movements. Especially food price inflation by ensuring production, supply adequacy, and smooth distribution.

"Efficient supply chains can increase trading volume and added value to support equitable development," said Suhanto.

Meanwhile, in terms of strengthening export competitiveness to support sustainable economic development, continued Suhanto, the Ministry of Trade has set an indicator of the target of non-oil and gas export growth of 3.3-4.5 percent in 2024.

The Ministry of Trade also targets the growth of real exports of goods and services to increase by 7.0 percent and the ratio of export services to GDP is targeted at 1.8-2.5-47.1 billion US dollars in 2024, explained Suhanto.

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