
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) said that lanes 3 and 4 at Manggarai Station will be operated in May.

With the operation of the platform, it is hoped that it will unravel the movement of passengers, which has been complained about a lot.

"For the second or cross-peron track 3 and track 4, God willing, we can operate it in May, which incidentally we will try to unravel the movement of passengers there," said Director of Traffic and Train Transportation DJKA Kemenhub Djarot Tri Wardhono in the Cawang area, East Jakarta, Thursday, March 2.

With the operation of the lane platform, said Djarot, it is hoped that the intermediate time or headway at Manggarai Station can be shorter. Especially for train trips from the direction of Bekasi.

"We hope that the headway in Manggarai will be even shorter, especially for the headway from the Bekasi direction with the operation of the platform on (paths) 3 and 4," added Djarot.

However, Djarot did not explain further information regarding the exact time and details of the pattern of train operation at Manggarai Station which will be carried out when the route between the two lanes 3 and 4 begins to operate, in May.

"(Operational pattern) must exist," he concluded.

Citing DJKA's official website, at the 5th Switch Over (SO) activity, his party had closed lane 3 to replace the signaling system, and installed and replaced the upper flow electricity network (JLAA) and adjusted lane changes.

Then, on 9-10 December 2022, the SO 6 Manggarai Station activity was carried out on the first day.

In this SO, activating the Signal System, Rel Street, Upper Electricity for the operation of the New III & IV line, activating the Hulu Hilir and the new Scissor Crossing between Manggarai-Jatinegara, and disabling the Manggarai II route.

SO 6 Manggarai has an impact on the change in the Kyosan K5B screening system at Manggarai Station, changes in the Screen Monitoring (Control Console) at PPKA and at OCC, Upper Electricity, Rail Roads and Railway Operations Patterns.

The impact of the SO 6 Manggarai activity was the cancellation of 40 KRL trips on the night of the activity.

Adjustment of the travel schedule starts at 22.00 WIB, this is done to ensure safety when SO 6 takes place for both workers and the safety of Commuterline travel that will pass.

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