
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) will build a train in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan.

This mass transportation will be the first on the island of Borneo.

Director of Traffic and Train Transportation DJKA Kemenhub, Djarot Tri Wardhono said the plan was an effort by the Ministry of Transportation to provide transportation access for the people there.

"In Kalimantan, the closest is development in IKN. In IKN it is projected that we will be in 2025. That is closest," he said at the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, Thursday, March 2.

Djarot said, later the train access will cover the Balikpapan route, to the urban core area in IKN Nusantara.

However, he continued, his party is currently in the process of compiling a trace study in Kalimantan, especially those located in IKN.

"Meanwhile, it's still FS (feasibility study) to see the existing route," said Djarot.

Therefore, Djarot admitted that to talk about the costs and budget for the construction of the train at IKN, it is not yet known at this time.

This is because the design of a detailed building or engineering design (DED) is still being worked on.

"Regarding the cost, it is still being calculated. If it has entered the Design Bangun Rentail or Detail Engineering Design (DED), the details will be known later," he said.

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