
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani today had the opportunity to become one of the main speakers in the 2023 Economic Outlook forum which was commanded by national entrepreneur Chairul Tanjung.

On that occasion, the Minister of Finance explained about the readiness of the State Budget to deal with uncertainty in commodity prices, to weakening globally According to him, the government remains optimistic and alert to the possibility ahead.

The Minister of Finance explained that the 2022 trip was not an easy period. Energy prices, such as fuel and electricity, until food soared are extreme.

APBN kerja keras extraordinary melindungi rakyat dan ekonomi. Penerimaan negara digunakan untuk membayar subsidi energi yang naik sangat tiga kali lipat mencapai Rp505 triliun. Ada juga bantuan sosial mencapai Rp417 Triliun. Pemerintah terus pula membangun infrastruktur untuk mendukung pemulihan ekonomi, ujarnya melalui keterangan tertulis pada Selasa, 28 Februari.

The state treasurer revealed that the decision yielded results with 5.3 percent economic growth.

Economic recovery is getting even more evenly distributed throughout the sector, all regions and supported by investment, export and consumption. Our economy is really good and resilient! he said.

The Minister of Finance added, for the 2023 period, Indonesia and many world countries are facing world complexity, uncharted territory. He said, all past world crises are a valuable lesson in facing current uncertainty.

Indonesia continues to focus on improving the foundation, starting from infrastructure, human resources, reducing poverty and stunting. The government and ensures that all regions experience equitable socio-economic improvements," he said.

While the APBN is an important instrument for development and achieving state goals, the Minister of Finance argued.

VOI noted that there are at least four important indicators that make the Indonesian economy stronger this year. First, the posture of the State Budget until January 2023 continues the positive trend of surpluses worth IDR 90.8 trillion.

Second, Indonesia's trade balance which had a surplus of 3.8 billion US dollars last month. This score also extends the surplus for 33 consecutive months since May 2020.

Third, inflation continued to decline to 5.28 percent in January 2023 from previously perched at 5.51 percent in December 2022.

Fourth, the decision of Bank Indonesia (BI) to maintain a benchmark interest rate of 5.75 percent in the middle of this month made the banking space more open to boost the intermediation function.

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