
YOGYAKARTA What identity must be owned by Taxpayers? The answer is the Taxpayer's Basic Number (NPWP).

In this article, NPWP will be reviewed as an identity that must be owned by taxpayers and functions, and how to get it.

In Law Number 28 of 2007 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures, NPWP is a number given to Taxpayers (WP) as a means in tax administration which is used as a sign of identification or the identity of Taxpayers in carrying out tax obligations and obligations.

Meanwhile, what is meant by taxpayers according to the law is private person or agency, including taxpayers, tax payers, and tax collectors, who have tax rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of tax laws and regulations.

In accordance with Circular (SE) of the Director General of Taxes number SE-60/PJ/2013, each taxpayer is only given one NPWP consisting of 15 digits of numbers with details:

NPWP Function

Quoted from the official website of the Republic of Indonesia, the NPWP, which is the identity of taxation, has several functions, including:

When they want to apply for credit to banks, prospective customers will be asked for NPWP. In this case, NPWP is needed to ensure that customers obey taxes.

The Trade Business License (SIUP) is a document that shows the legality of business entities. One of the requirements for making SIUP is NPWP.

The third NPWP function is as a tax administration requirement. For example, when you want to report taxes, the WP must first have NPWP. With the NPWP, the tax charged becomes lighter than citizens who do not have NPWP.

How To Create NPWP

Making NPWP can be done in two ways, namely offline and online. Here are the steps to offline create NPWP:

While how to create NPWP online, namely:

This is information about the identity that must be owned by taxpayers and their functions and how to make it. To get other interesting news, continue to see VOI.ID.

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