JAKARTA - PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) stated that there will be an increase in the number of passengers in February 2023.
President Director of PT MRT Jakarta Tuhiyat said the number of passengers of this modern mode of transportation had reached 85,000 as of 19 February.
"The latest development of passengers per average position in 2023 is reaching 85,625 passengers per day," said Tuhiyat at the Jakarta MRT Office, Thursday, February 23.
Regarding the increase in passengers, said Tuhiyat, the highest number of MRT users had reached over 100 thousand some time ago.
"So, it is also related to the highest number of daily passengers, the position is at 103 thousand, namely on February 8, 2023, ago," he said.
According to Tuhiyat, the trend of increasing the number of passengers has started to return to normal, as before the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The trend has increased (since February 2020) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This indicates that the public's capacity and capability has increased and is back to normal," he said.
Tuhiyat said the timeliness of MRT Jakarta has reached 100 percent, starting from arriving time, dwelling time, to traveling time.
"This is from Lebak Bulus to the HI Roundabout 100 percent. This is a performance that we are maintaining in order to provide certainty that this timeliness is what they need," he concluded.
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