
JAKARTA - The construction project for the MRT Jakarta Phase 2A Hotel Indonesia (HI)-City roundabout is targeted for completion in 2028-2029. Later, it will penetrate Ancol before 2032.

It is known that phase 2A of the HI-City Roundabout is divided into three packages (contract package/CP), namely CP201 HI-Harmoni, CP202 Harmoni-Mangga Besar, and CP203 Mangga Besar-Kota. While the phase 2B is from Mangga Dua to Ancol with one depot in West Ancol.

President Director of PT MRT Jakarta Tuhiyat revealed that the HI-Kota roundabout is currently under construction. Even the HI roundabout to Harmoni has reached 51 percent.

"I hope (2A) 2028 or 2029 is already operating up to the city," he said at a press conference at the MRT Jakarta Office, Thursday, February 23.

Meanwhile, phase 2B, said Tuhiyat, will be carried out after the Phase 2A construction project is completed.

"From the city to Ancol, we hope that pararel to Ancol will still be carried out (after the construction of Phase 2A)," he said.

The construction of CP 201 for the HI-Harmoni Roundabout route has reached 51.78 percent. Then, the construction of the CP 202 for the Harmoni-Mangga Besar route has reached 9.87 percent, and CP 203 for the Mangga Besar-Kota route has reached 27.13 percent.

"(The work on Phase 2 HI-Ancol) there should not exceed 2032," said Tuhiyat.

Previously, as many as three Transjakarta bus stops were temporarily closed as a result of the construction of the MRT Jakarta Phase 2A CP202 construction project.

The three stops are the Harmoni bus stop, the Mangga Besar bus stop, and the Sawah Besar bus stop. Later, the passengers will be diverted to the temporary bus stop (temporal).

"The Transjakarta Mangga Besar bus stop will be closed on February 25, 2023, the Transjakarta Sawah Besar bus stop will be closed on February 28, 2023, the Transjakarta Harmoni bus stop will be closed on March 3, 2023," said Head of the Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division Apriastini Bakti Bugiansri.

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