
JAKARTA PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia through the Muamalat Institute is said to have reached an agreement with Universitas Brawijaya Malang regarding the development of a sharia financial ecosystem.

Muamalat Institute Executive Director Anton Hendrianto said strengthening the ecosystem must be based on improving the quality of competent human resources (HR).

"With strong human resources, it will have a positive impact on economic growth and also encourage the Islamic financial industry in Indonesia," he said in a written statement on Thursday, February 23.

According to Anton, the commitment to encourage human resource progress is evidenced by a link-match program, namely adjusting the characteristics of graduates to the needs of the world of work.

Sharia banking is the demand side of competent and superior graduates, while universities are the supply side of the needs of the Islamic banking industry. This is what we must harmonize," he said.

Anton explained that currently the challenge facing the industry is the gap in the needs of the world of work with the ability of existing graduates.

This happens because graduates have skills and competencies that are only superior in the cognitive field. On the other hand, social skills and interpersonality still need to be developed. Therefore, synergy with the campus is expected to support the presence of talents needed by Islamic banking at this time," he stressed.

On the same occasion, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Brawijaya Asfi Manzilati welcomed the synergy that was built with Muamalat. This is because this program is in line with the concept of Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) from the Ministry of Education.

"This collaboration is very strategic because it expands insight, skills, and competence and experience for students, lecturers, and academics related to the Islamic banking industry," he said.

Meanwhile, the Region Head of Bank Muamalat for the East Java Region, Aufrida Artsiana Dewi, stated that collaboration opportunities are quite important in order to create the best generation for the Islamic banking industry in the future.

"Bank Muamalat is committed to supporting business development efforts through the concept of business incubators for all education components in Indonesia in order to increase the skills and competitiveness of graduates," said Aufrida.

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