
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has officially launched the Carbon Trading of Electricity Subsectors.

In response to this, Deputy President Director of Cirebon Power Joseph Pangalila expressed his support for government policies that have launched the carbon trading of power generation sub-sectors.

Joseph, in his statement, said that the implementation of the carbon trading mechanism would be an impetus for power plants to further suppress emissions.

"That we must take better care of the environment and we must also continue to pay attention to greenhouse gas emissions and always try to reduce them," Joseph said in his statement to the media quoted on Thursday, February 23.

Joseph said the Cirebon Power Unit I and Unit II power plants were proven to be able to suppress emissions because they used environmentally friendly technology "super critical Boller" and "ultra super critical". The technology's advantage, as well as a form of the company's commitment to keep generating emissions below the threshold.

"Currently, the PTBAE-PU that we have received is a surplus, meaning that the emission rate is below the limit given by the government, this is what we will continue to maintain for us to use in the future," addedq.

Carbon trading is a market-based mechanism to reduce GRK emissions through the sale and purchase of carbon units. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 16 of 2022 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Economic Values of Carbon, Subsector of Power Plants.

The regulation will serve as a reference for carbon economic value, including carbon trading activities in the sub-sector of power plants.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif believes carbon trading will attract the participation of business actors to realize the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"The value of the carbon economy is a market mechanism that provides a burden on emissions generated to emitters so that it can be said that the value of the carbon economy can provide incentives for activities that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions," Arifin said in his remarks on Wednesday, February 22.

As is known, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 16 of 2022 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Economic Values of Carbon Power Plant Sub-Sectors. One of these Ministerial Regulations regulates carbon trading in the power generation sub-sector and will be a reference in the implementation of carbon trading.

Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan Jisman Hutajulu mengatakan, pada tahun 2023 ini akan dilakukan perdagangan karbon di subsector pembangkit listrik dalam tahap mandatory. Perdagangan karbon ini pertama kali dilaksanakan di Indonesia pada unit pembangkit PLTU Coal yang terhubung ke jaringan listrik PT PLN (Persero) dengan kapasitas lebih besar atau sama dengan 100 MW.

"To support the implementation of carbon trading, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has set an Emissions Upper Limit Technical Approval (PTBAE)," said Jisman.

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