
YOGYAKARTA Entrepreneurs should be able to read the trend of the creative business in 2023. With the ability to read this trend, entrepreneurs will not only benefit from material benefits but will also have a good impact on social and environmental issues.

As is known, the creative business is a business that in its implementation involves elements that require creative nature. In the business sector, the creativity of the owner and his team will be needed to advance the company and bring in profits.

In 2023, the trend of the creative business will develop according to the times. There are many factors that have caused the creative business trend this year to change, such as the recovery of the pandemic situation that previously occurred and hit the world. In addition, people's new habits towards technology also shift the creative industry.

Here are some things that affect the creative business trend, according to Forbes.

The digital transformation that occurred in 2023 became very fast. The reason is, during the pandemic, the world community is forced to take advantage of technology as part of their lives. This then gave birth to other technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, blockchain, to 5 generation internet networks or 5G.

As a result, businesses must consider the conditions of digital transformation that occur in society. Business actors then creatively utilize existing technology for business and company purposes.

In business, considering supply chains is very important. The supply chain itself was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, plus the war situation that occurred in Ukraine-Russia.

This condition then forces business actors to continue to innovate by considering alternative raw materials and looking for other alternatives related to product distribution.

A sustainable business in this case is a business that considers ecological factors. The creative element in business will develop products that can be accepted by the community and can be recycled without damaging the environment. No wonder in the future there will be products that are more environmentally friendly.

The increasingly sophisticated technology allows consumers to try the product without having to buy it first. This ability may occur by utilizing visual technology. For example, you want to buy A glasses but want to try them out. To see your appearance when using A glasses, Augmented Reality or AR technology.

Recently, many people prefer to work according to passion. They then decided to quit large companies and start a career in the field they like. This condition causes the company to lack talent.

On the other hand, the company has also begun to prioritize the effectiveness of a job. The trend of using technology to replace the work of human workers has also begun to emerge. The company will choose talented workers without forgetting their passion for running the company's business. This certainly has an impact on the level of effectiveness of production.

The year 2023 seems to be an increasingly complicated business year because business people must be able to consider their creativity to the available technology. Innovation is very important and must be owned by human workers.

That's information related to the 2023 creative business trend. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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