
JAKARTA - Muslims throughout Indonesia commemorate Isra Mikraj today, Saturday, February 18. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani also congratulated Isra Mikraj for all Muslims through her Instagram account.

The commemoration of Isra Mikraj falls every 27th of Rajab in the Hijri calendar. Isra Mikraj became an important event carried out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"Congratulations on commemorating Isra Mikraj 1444 H. Let's make this moment to increase our faith and piety to Allah SWT, God Almighty. May His grace and guidance always be delegated so that it is safe, peaceful, and the life of mankind in the world," Sri Mulyani said on her Instagram account, @smindrawati, Saturday, February 18.

In his upload, Sri Mulyani tells the story of Isra Mikraj which is told on the journey of the Prophet SAW to Sidratul Kudara. Allah SWT ordered Muslims to pray 50 times a day.

However, thanks to the request of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Allah SWT gave relief so that now Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day.

"From this story, we have shown the greatness and power of Allah SWT to mankind. Indeed, Allah SWT, who is Most Aware and Most Beneficiary, will not give orders or tests beyond our ability," said Sri.

So, no matter how difficult the challenges the world is facing today, Sri continued, the Indonesian people must remain confident that they can get through it well.

"(This can be achieved) if we want to put our trust and continue to try to find the best way out, namely by maintaining the ties of unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as helping each other, especially to our brothers and sisters in need," he said.

Isra Mikraj himself is a great event, namely Allah SWT giving the Prophet Muhammad SAW the privilege of carrying out a noble journey with the angel Jibril, which is a journey from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsha Mosque.

Then, it was continued from the Aqsha Mosque to Sidratul Hukasa.

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