
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has opened its voice regarding the request of PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China (KCIC) to increase the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail (KCJB) concession period. The Ministry of Transportation stressed that it still needs time to study it.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation Adita Irawati revealed that the assessment for the extension of the KCJB concession has not yet begun. This is because KCIC has not provided the supporting data needed in the Ministry of Transportation's study.

Adita said that until now, the Directorate General of Achievement of the Ministry of Transportation has not received data to support the study of extending the concession period from KCIC.

"I have received information from the Directorate General of Railways so far, the KCIC has not submitted the data. So how do we want to conduct a study because the data is not yet complete and this is what we are waiting for," he told reporters, in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 15.

Furthermore, Adita said the Ministry of Transportation did not set a deadline for depositing supporting data on the extension of the concession period. However, Adita suggested that supporting data be deposited immediately by KCIC.

"We want it as soon as possible. We have often pushed us to KCIC to carry out the submission (supporting data)," he said.

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Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi is considering the request of PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) to increase the concession period or operation time of Jakarta Bandung (KCJB) from 50 years to 80 years.

Budi said that the request for additional concessions could be approved. However, he continued, there are conditions that must be met.

"I consider it can be done, but indeed if it is 80 years there is an obligation from the high-speed train to add to the things that are invested. Because by law, 80 years old, he can," he told reporters, Tuesday, December 27.

For your information, PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) has proposed an extension of the Jakarta Bandung high-speed train concession period to 80 years from 50 years. Some of the factors behind the submission were the estimated decline in the number of passengers.

Then, the swelling of project costs, as well as the lack of income sources due to delays in the construction of transit-oriented areas (TODs).

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