
YOGYAKARTA - Trade brand dispute cases often occur in the business world. That's why it's important to register trademarks when building a business. Don't let your business be sued because the brand you use has swelled by others. How to check trademarks is easy to do, even now they can go online.

So before starting a business, you need to check trademarks. You can see if the brand that you will register has been used by someone else or not. Brands registered in the government system through the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) are legal proof of ownership.

A trademark becomes the identity of a business that distinguishes it from other business owned by entrepreneurs. Ownership of trademarks is useful for increasing the risk of business competitiveness and avoiding what could happen in the future. Therefore, you need to know how to check trademarks and their registration steps.

Now checking trademarks can be done online. You can check through the Intellectual Property Database page in the following way.

If the trademark you are looking for is already registered with PDKI, information will appear containing registration numbers, registration dates, names of owners, and other information. However, if the trademark you are looking for is not found, it means that you can use the brand because it is not registered.

You should know that registered brands get legal protection within 10 years of the date of receipt of trademark registration. If the term of trademark protection is over or out, you can extend the validity period.

If the trademark that you will use has not been used by other people, then you can immediately register it. But if someone already uses the brand, then you need to define another brand.

You can register trademarks online through the following steps.

When it comes to registering trademarks, make sure the brand you specify meets the provisions. There are some of their wares that are not permitted in Indonesia. The following are the trademark provisions reported by the Director General of Intellectual Property.

That's the information on how to register trademarks and their steps. If the trademark you will maintain has not been used, then you need to register it immediately. Given that trademarks are crucial, registration needs to be done immediately before being used by others. In addition, make sure your trademark does not conflict with government regulations.

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