
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Housing will take firm action against service providers in rogue fields because they do not carry out infrastructure and housing development in accordance with the contents of the contracts and applicable regulations.

According to the Director General (Dirjen) of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, this was done to ensure that quality and development results were maintained and could benefit the wider community.

"We are ready to take firm action against service providers in the field who are naughty and do not work according to the contents of the contracts and applicable regulations," Iwan said in his official statement, quoted on Monday, February 13.

Iwan said that his party would not play games in carrying out development for the community because it did not want the quality and quality of development results to be a bet.

Given, the infrastructure development funds are from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), so they must be properly accounted for according to the applicable regulations.

Iwan said that strict action in the form of sanctions would be taken by his party, if the provider of development services was not in accordance with the agreement that had been mutually agreed upon.

The sanction that will be given is to blacklist the rogue service providers.

Service providers who have been blacklisted will not receive recommendations to be able to carry out development activities and participate in a number of tenders (auctions) at the Ministry of PUPR for two years.

"The budget for infrastructure development uses public money and the Ministry of PUPR does not hesitate to terminate the contract if the service provider is not responsible and the work is not good in the field," he said.

If it turns out that the results of the construction are not in accordance with the required specifications, said Iwan, later the service provider must be given appropriate sanctions.

"Servictims must be given severe sanctions and compensation for development, and included in the blacklist of service providers who perform not well," he said.

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