
JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif revealed that the plan to ban gold exports will be carried out in stages. This he said in response to President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) instructions prohibiting gold exports as an effort to increase added value through downstreaming. This is intended so that the resulting products can be of high value. "It will be carried out in stages. But it is certain that the downstream process must run," he said at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources office quoted on Saturday, February 11. He also ensured that this downstream gold must run until Indonesia could provide added value to its gold products. "It can absorb labor through employment," explained Arifin. As far as the government plans to form a bullion bank. As far as you know, bullion banks or gold banks are banks that specifically serve noble metal transactions in the form of gold and silver including exports, imports, and gold storage. The purpose of establishing Indonesia's gold bank is to deepen the Indonesian financial sector, so that the public can be more flexible in investing. In addition, the gold bank aims to provide legal certainty for people who want to place their money in gold savings. The government itself previously had an institution that provides gold savings facilities, namely Pegadaian and PT Antam Tbk.

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