
JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is committed to implementing Sustainable Finance by conducting various positive subscriptions. One of the methods carried out is to start calculating financing emissions for middle and corporate segment debtors, namely the plantation plantation sector, plantation product derivative industries, mining and commodity trading, processing industry, trade industry, pulp and paper, construction, to PLTU.

BNI Corporate Secretary Okki Rushartomo revealed, in the ESG roadmap, BNI will calculate the emissions of the GRK Scope 1 and 2 for all BNI offices to auxiliary branch offices (KCP) throughout Indonesia, which are currently being prepared guidelines and data collection formats for emission sources so that in the future emission calculations can be carried out in more detail and precision.

"After drafting the guidelines, BNI will then set a net zero emission target so that an accurate roadmap is obtained towards net zero emissions," he said in a statement to the media, Saturday, February 11.

Based on BNI's calculations of greenhouse gases (GHG) generated in 2022, it is known that Scope 1, which includes the use of fuel in buildings, was recorded at 121.64 tons of CO2eq. Then for Scope 2 which includes emissions from electricity usage recorded at 295.208.86 tons of CO2eq.

For Scope 3, which includes air service travel, land official travel, and financing emissions, each recorded at 2,013.87 tons of CO2eq, 889.12 tons of CO2eq, and 13,392,779.24 tons of CO2eq. The total GRK emissions from the three coverages amounted to 13,691,012.79 tons of CO2eq.

Meanwhile, BNI's Sustainable Portfolio for environmentally friendly sectors. Throughout 2022, financing in the Sustainable Business Activity Category (KKUB) reached IDR 182.9 trillion or 28.5 percent of BNI's total credit portfolio.

This sustainable Portfolio is mainly given for the development needs of the community's social economy through small segment financing of IDR 123.2 trillion; management of environmentally friendly businesses and biological natural resources of IDR 19.7 trillion; new and renewable energy of IDR 10.9 trillion; financing for pollution prevention of IDR 4 trillion; and other Sustainable Portfolios of IDR 25.1 trillion.

BNI also has a commitment to develop sustainable business practices in line with the global agenda. BNI is starting to proactively introduce the Sustainability Linked Loan (SLL), where one of SLL's main aspects is providing incentives for customers to improve ESG aspects in their business.

Throughout 2022, BNI has distributed SLL of USD 355 million or equivalent to IDR 5.3 trillion which is channeled to top tier debtors in the priority industry sector, such as Fast-moving Consumer Goods and manufacturing.

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