
JAKARTA - PT Blue Bird (Tbk) or BIRD ensures that there are no plans to increase taxi rates this year. This is because tariff adjustments were made last year when fuel oil prices (BBM) rose.

Blue Bird President Director Sigit Djokosoetono said the tariff increase carried out in 2022 had also been adjusted to the development of mobility movements.

"So we will adjust it gradually. (The tariff adjustment) has been running and finally we announced changes to the platform in early December (2022), we have also adjusted it," he told reporters, written Friday, February 10.

Regarding the impact of this tariff adjustment, Sigit said this had little effect on BIRD consumers.

The reason, continued Sigit, consumers have understood that the increase in transportation service rates is the impact of increasing fuel.

"So we see that the response remains positive, because the customer also sees that we are really passing on to fill up fuel, which is actually a lot of burden for the driver," he explained.

When asked if there was an impact on service requests due to the increase in tariffs since last year, Sigit ensured that there were no changes.

"In terms of demand, there is no change because we see mobility is still needed, of course there must be some customers to make adjustments, but I'm sure it's only temporary," he said.

Actually, continued Sigit, BIRD is not focused on increasing service rates but instead on improving services that will be provided to consumers.

"We focus not on prices, but on services. So with an increase in prices, we certainly have to improve services better," he said.

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