
JAKARTA Commemoration of the national press day which falls today, Thursday, February 9 has received special attention from the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. Through a written message, the state treasurer conveyed his attention to reporters.

Journalism makes various lessons of eternal life. Happy National Press Day 2023," he said via his official Instagram account @smindrawati.

According to the Minister of Finance, the journalist profession is expected to be a credible, dignified, and unpurchased oase of information.

"We at the Ministry of Finance believe that good cooperation with the press is one way to amplify public policy education to the public, especially regarding state finances," he said.

The Minister of Finance also hopes that the development of journalism in Indonesia can continue to be on the right track as a colleague of the government to provide the maximum benefit to the public.

Thank you to all press colleagues who always uphold truth and code of ethics in carrying out their duties. The press is independent, democracy is dignified! Jakarta, February 9, 2023," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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