
JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita supports the existence of a plastic recycling factory in Jombang, East Java, because it is in line with the implementation of the circular economy launched by the government.

"Currently, issues related to ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and the green industry have become an important concern. In fact, if you look at the Leaders Declaration of the G20 Summit, there is an emphasis on strengthening the implementation of ESG and green industry," Agus said in a written statement, Thursday, February 9.

Agus said this during the inauguration of the PT. Food Grade PT. Bumi Indes Padma Jaya (BIPJ) in Jombang, East Java. PT BIPJ is a joint venture company that is also supported by industrial company Mayora Group.

PT Menperin gave its appreciation to Mayora Group for the success of the construction of the PET recycling plant with the quality that meets this food safety standard (food grade), especially since the total investment reached Rp183 billion.

"This factory is a tangible manifestation of a milestone that will help all to reduce waste in the community, especially plastic waste," he said.

According to Agus, this factory also proves that the PET, which has been stigmatized as a'monster' or dangerous goods, is currently something that has added value, because this PET is the raw material of the circular economy ecosystem which is both being developed.

In addition, Agus said, this effort is believed to be able to realize Indonesia's vision of becoming a tough industrial country that characterizes national industrial structures that are strong, healthy and just, high competitive industries at the global level, as well as industries based on innovation and technology.

"Moreover, I am committed by the company to expand in the future," he said.

Thus, Agus is optimistic that the existence of a plastic recycling factory of PT BIPJ with a Recycled PET Plastic (RPET) production capacity of 22,000 tons per year can strengthen the circular recycling and economic ecosystem, and can increase the level of plastic waste collection in Indonesia.

The facility will absorb more than 150 local workers and is supported by the most modern technology.

"I advise the Mayora Group and PT BIPJ to be able to maintain the surrounding environment well, in line with the government's commitment to creating a green industry," explained Agus.

In the future, it is hoped that it can make a positive contribution to the community, either through the petlet PET products produced, or through sustainable programs by involving a number of partners and various stakeholders, including the involvement of local governments.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT BIPJ Christine Halim said, this company was established as a big effort to collect plastic waste so that it could have high economic value. In addition, it can accommodate the businesses of MSMEs and scavengers, as well as support labor absorption programs.

According to Christine, this recycling factory already uses the most modern PET processing technology and focuses on hygiene. There are two main processes carried out by PT BIPJ in processing plastic bottles of PET into food grade recycled plastic resin.

First, starting with cleaning and closing covers. Then the used PET bottle is selected automatically for color cleaning. "After that, the melting process becomes debris for later washing and drying," he explained.

Second, the edstruction process, namely the change in plastic from solid to liquid form. Then, the contaminant decontamination process with solid state polycondensation (SSP) process, and finally the printing of plastic pellets. "This plastic droplet can be reprocessed to produce new plastic products," he added.

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