
JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk recorded the transaction volume of BRILink agents throughout 2022 of IDR 1,297 trillion or almost IDR 1.3 quadrillion.

BRI President Director Sunarso revealed that the amount of transactions carried out semi-conventionally occurred in the midst of the focus of BRI's business process towards digitization.

However, there are still many people in the regions who make transactions conventionally through BRILink.

"The transaction is not kidding, the trend is digital indeed increasing, but through AgenBRILink it reaches around Rp1.3 quadrillion a year. That is fact and reality, even though BRILink's agent is a hybrid bank with a digital business process," said Sunarso in an official statement, Friday, February 3.

Sunarso added that until the end of December 2022, BRI had 627 thousand Agen BRILink spread throughout Indonesia.

"This year we are targeting the number of AgentBRILink to increase by 25,000 agents so that by the end of 2023 it is projected to be no less than 650,000 agents," he added.

Hybrid banks or a combination of digitalization development in banks while continuing to provide conventional services is BRI's strategy. Given, BRI's focus is targeting the informal sector to micro-enterprises through Ultra Micro Holding.

Sunarso considers this strategy as a success to increase people's access in the region to banking products. In the future, BRI and BRI groups can open up new opportunities for other products apart from savings.

"It's made fully digital doesn't sell well, maybe it sells well in big cities, but because there are still (in regions) that don't understand digital. That's why we serve it conventionally, but if it's conventional, it's been years since generation change, BRI will be left behind," concluded Sunarso.

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