
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Geological Agency has begun to aggressively explore the potential for rare earth Metals (LTJ). This exploration was carried out to determine the potential for LTJ in the potential laterite area outside the Mining Business Permit Area (WIUP), so that later LTJ mineral WIUPs can be prepared.

Plt. Head of the Geological Agency Muhammad Wafid said, in 2022, the Geological Agency explored the potential of LTJ in Mamuju, West Sulawesi and Parmonangan, North Sumatra. The exploration was carried out in two stages, namely early exploration, including mapping, geodar and geomagnets, wells or test trenches, as well as drilling. Then detailed exploration was carried out through more tight drilling and extraction tests, including characterization, concentration, and extraction. The exploration resulted in the highest total LTJ levels in Mamuju of 4,571 ppm and Parmonangan of 1,549 ppm.

"Furthermore, there are several WIUP proposals in the form of LTJ, which is the first time in 2022, that there are proposed locations in Mamuju and Parmonangan and several plans proposed by WIUP LTJ until 2024," he told the media, February 3.

In 2023, continued Wafid, it is planned to explore the initial and detailed exploration of LTJ potential in Melawi, Sibolga, Mamuju, Papua, and Bangka Belitung, as well as proposals for WIUP LTJ Mamuju and Parmonangan. Then in 2024, detailed exploration is planned in Ketapang, Sibolga, Tiga Puluh Mountains, and Papua.

It was also reported that throughout 2022, the Geological Agency has explored LTJ's potential in the Sidoarjo Mud area and found Lithium's potential of 86-92 ppm, Strontium potential of 394-451 ppm, and LTJ a maximum of 111 ppm.

"Then for LTJ or REE potential in the Sidoarjo Mud area, I think it has also been conveyed that there are indications of potential, both Li, Sr, and REE, with each of its PPM. Activities in 2022 will continue from discovery activities in 2020 at different locations," concluded Wafid.

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