
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of Electricity reported the progress of the construction of the 35,000 MW (35 GW) electric megaproject.

Plt. The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana reported that as many as 415 generating units with a capacity of 16,596 Megawatts (MW) or 47 percent until December 2022 from the 35,000 MW Generation Project had been operating.

"415 units of the power plant that have COD (Commercial Operation Date), 189 of them came from Independent Power Producer (IPP) while 226 other units came from PT PLN (Persero). Meanwhile, 572 units of power plants have contracted which will certainly be built after receiving funding," Dadan explained at a press conference in Jakarta quoted Wednesday, February 1.

Dadan added, based on the results of monitoring and evaluation conducted by the Directorate General of Electricity for the advancement of the 35,000 MW Project nationally, there were 29,982 MW or 572 units or 84.6 percent who had contracted, which means that it is most likely built.

"Later, when it is Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), we just need to find funding," said Dadan.

Dadan detailed that the completion of the construction of the plant has reached 16,596 MW compared to the status at the end of 2021, which is around 11,257.5 MW, or an increase of 5,338.2 MW.

The generating achievements built in 2022 are PLTU Java-4 units 5 and 6 (2x1,070 MW), PLTU Central Java (PPP) units 1 and 2 (2x1,000 MW), PLTGU Riau (294.7 MW), PLTMG Bangkanai FTP 2 (127,1 MW), PLTP Sokoria unit 1 (6,6 MW), PLTP Sorik Marapi FTP-2 (62.8 MW), PLTS Selayar (1,3 MW), PLTS Sangihe (1,3 MW), PLTS Medang (0,3 MW), PLTS Nusa Penida and Terapung Waduk Nusa Penida (3.19 MW), PLTU Lontar Exp (315 MW), PLTGU Muara Tawar Add-on Block 2 (165,75 MW), PLTU Sulsel Barru2 (123,4 MW) and 21 units of PLTM (96,8 MW).

"The generating project has a contract/PPA but has not yet been completed, is currently in the process of fulfilling funding requirements," Dadan explained again.

Dadan also explained that most of the 35,000 MW Projects will be carried out by private electricity companies, namely 539 units or 70.3 percent with a total capacity of 24.89 GW while the remaining 431 generating units or 29.7 percent with a total capacity of 10.57 GW built by PLN.

"A total of 226 generating units built by PLN with a total electricity capacity of 4,698 MW have COD while IPP has COD as many as 189 generating units or 48 percent. IIP has a contract of 307 generating units or 89.9 percent," concluded Dadan.

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