
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) met with Committee II of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD) to discuss work programs in 2023 and work plans for 2024.

The meeting was held at the Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31, 2023, yesterday.

Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Mohammad Zainal Fatah said the PUPR Ministry's budget allocation was IDR 125.22 trillion this year. Of this amount, the allocation for tenders or auctions for new activities is around IDR 38.18 trillion.

"According to the direction of the Minister of PUPR in order to gradually complete all infrastructure in the first half of 2024, the Ministry of PUPR will minimize new infrastructure development and focus on ongoing infrastructure completion, as well as the OPOR program (optimization, maintenance, operations, rehabilitation)," said Zainal Fatah in his official statement, quoted on Wednesday, February 1.

In the 2023 fiscal year (TA), activities that will be carried out in the field of water resources include the construction of 12 ongoing dams and four new dams, construction of 6,900 hectares of irrigation areas, rehabilitation and improvement of 98,700 hectares of irrigation, as well as construction of flood control and coastal safety along 87.75 km.

"In the roads and bridges, 444 km of new roads will be built, 8,255 meters of bridges, 2,165 meters of flyovers/underpasses, and 6.5 km of toll roads. In the residential sector, construction and improvement will be carried out 2,206 Lt/sPAM units, wastewater management system for 16,600 families, waste management system for 26,500 families, handling 307 hectares of slum areas, building operations, regional arrangement, as well as construction, rehabilitation, and renovation of educational facilities and infrastructure, sports and markets," explained Zainal.

Then, in the housing sector, the construction of 5,379 flats has been programmed, the construction of 3,362 units of rusus, 145,000 units of self-help houses through the BSPS scheme including to support the handling of Extreme Poverty (PKE), and the construction of 27,825 units of PSU.

"To help create jobs and maintain people's purchasing power, the Ministry of PUPR has also intensified the implementation of labor-intensive programs with a total target of 785 thousand beneficiaries," explained Zainal.

To speed up the implementation of the 2023 program, said Zainal, the Ministry of PUPR has also carried out an early auction for contractual work packages starting from October 2022. "Until January 25, 2023, out of a total of 3,905 contractual packages, there are 1,252 packages that have been contracted, and 1,157 packages in the auction process," he said.

Meanwhile, for the 2024 FY work plan, Zainal said the preparation of infrastructure programs would be based on four things, including completing the remaining Renstra targets according to the 2020-2024 RPJMN, completing construction work no later than early 2024, OPOR for infrastructure that was built, Government Work Plan (RKP) for the 2024 FY, and complying with all financial procedures and PBJ.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Committee II of the DPD RI, Bustami Zainudin, said that this working meeting was carried out so that the DPD had an overview of the programs of the Ministry of PUPR in 2023-2024, so that the DPD could direct technical services in 35 provinces related to programs that would be national priorities.

"Committee II of the DPD appreciates the partnership that has been formed with the Ministry of PUPR and will support the program of the Ministry of PUPR regarding national and regional interests," he concluded.

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