
YOGYAKARTA - Assets are an important component in running a business. Assets can be interpreted as anything that can provide benefits or benefits in a business both now and in the future. There are three types of business assets that business people and potential entrepreneurs need to know.

Assets or assets owned in a business can help the business development process. So money is not the only capital to build a business. Entrepreneurs usually have several assets that can support their business development.

Assets play an important role in business or business operations. Assets have three characteristics that distinguish them from other financial components. In addition, assets are also divided into three types.

According to the Indonesian Accounting Association, business assets are everything that is a resource owned by a company or business. Assets come from events that have occurred in the past and can bring economic benefits in the future to a business.

There are three typical characteristics for those owned by business assets. Here are the characteristics of something that can be called an asset.

In general, there are 3 types of business assets in a business. However, there are still many business owners who don't know what business assets are. Here are the types of business assets that you must know.

Current assets are assets owned by a business and can be used or disbursed in a short or fast time. At least, smooth assets can be used in a one-year business period. These assets are usually used to pay for or fund important things.

a. Cash Fund

One of the current assets that is always in the business is cash. These assets are usually stored in the business treasury. The use of these assets has also been determined, for example, to pay operational costs and others. Cash funds become assets used for general purposes.

b. Short-Term Investment

Other smooth assets are short-term investments. This investment is taken from the remaining cash and unused for operational costs and others. It could be called this asset is cash that is replayed for profit.

c. Wessel Receivables

Wessel receivables are also included in the type of smooth assets. Wessel receivables are bill letters aimed at collecting debts from other companies. Wesel receivables are made as agreements above stamps regulated in the law.

d. Trade receivables

Trade receivables are also one of the current assets in the business. Receivables are bill letters given to other companies. This letter is used to collect debts that have been done before, but in the form of credit.

e. Securities

Another smooth asset in a business is securities. Bonds or securities can be sold at any time if you need money in an urgent condition.

Fixed assets are the opposite of smooth assets. Fixed assets are owned by the company which is permanent or cannot be disbursed in a short time. Assets are still used to facilitate business operations.

a Land

One of the fixed assets in a business is land. Land is the land where buildings are built for the business production process.

b. Building

Apart from land, buildings are also included in the fixed assets of a business. Buildings are places to carry out business operations. Without land or buildings, the production process in the business cannot be carried out.

c. Operational Devices

Other fixed assets in the business are operational tools. Operational tools are used to produce goods sold by the company. However, each production tool has a period of shrinkage or depreciation of each. So it is necessary to do treatment until the end of usage.

In addition to the two types of assets above, in a business there are also intangible assets. These assets are assets owned by a business and are invisible in nature. However, these assets have future benefits for a business. These assets are safe from theft because they are not in physical form.

a. Copyright

One of the permanent intangible assets is copyright. Copyright is applied to a brand as an official ownership stipulation. Copyright is made based on applicable legal rules. So with copyright, your brand will be safe from plagiarization. If there is a plagiarism, you can sue for copyright infringement compensation.

b. Rental rights

Rental rights are also included in intangible fixed assets. Rental rights are company assets that have a limited period. Rental rights can be utilized by business owners to generate large profits in the future.

c. Franchise

Another intangible asset is the franchise. Franchise or franchise is the granting of copyright to a brand to another party for business needs. Franchise is done with certain conditions agreed upon by both parties, namely franchise owners and franchise recipients.

That's a review of the type of business asset that business owners need to know. Assets are very important components in a business because they are used as ownership assets and carry out business operations. If managed optimally, business assets that support the business can develop optimally.

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