
JAKARTA - PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) has increased a number of facilities at Merak Port, Banten, ahead of Eid 2023 transportation so that it can provide the best service for service users during the momentum of the holiday. Corporate Secretary of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Shelvy Arifin in his statement said, ASDP is preparing to improve facilities with the aim of providing the best service for service users. Improvement of facilities at Merak Port ahead of Eid 2023 transportation with three scenarios, namely first, ASDP improves facilities through the addition of parking space in Cikuasa Atas Munic Land (for areas outside ports) and additional parking areas at eight locations inside Merak Port, namely through land purchase and demolition of ASDP offices (for areas inside ports).

"The impact of this scenario, the capacity of Merak Port will increase, approximately 1,840 units of small vehicles," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 30. Furthermore, he said, the second scenario (the scope of inter-institutional synergy), is the expansion of 1 direction of the Cikuasa Atas arterial road, then the effort to move the Merak Port train where the local train will stop at Cilegon Station, and the journey of passengers who will cross through is continued with DAMRI to Merak Port. The transfer of this station will certainly encourage logistics services to be more effective because it has a positive impact, where logistics transport is getting closer to reaching Krakatau Steel and Ciwandan (the logistics route). with the second scenario, according to Shelvy, the improvement of facilities for outside the port is through the operation of Ciwandan Port and the Cikuasa Atas arterial road widened one direction by 3.5 meters to the Merak direction. Meanwhile, the improvement of facilities inside the ASDP port is the operation of Pier 1 as Executive 2, the addition of parking space to 8 location points through land purchase, dismantling and relocation of ASDP offices, relocation of KSKP & workshops, as well as the operation of the tug boat. The impact of this second scenario is the capacity of Merak Port will increase by approximately 1,840 small vehicles and accessibility of the Cikuasa Atas arterial road to Merak increasing one lane and shoulder of the road, which is equivalent to approximately 760 small vehicles. The second scenario could be successful with the support and cooperation between agencies for the realization of integrated, orderly, orderly, smooth, and secure public transport services.

Finally, for the third scenario (ultimate) is that Merak Train Station has been moved to a new location and the Cikuasa Atas and Lower arterial roads are expanded in two directions. With this scenario, the improvement of facilities outside ASDP port is the operation of Ciwandan Port, the addition of the Cikuasa Atas and Bawah arterial roads as wide as 3.5 meters 2 directions, and the addition of vehicle scales facilities. Meanwhile, inside the port is the addition of Pier 1 capacity as a second executive service, the addition of parking at eight location points, and the operation of tug boats. With this latest scenario, Merak Port capacity will increase by approximately 1,840 small vehicles and the accessibility of the road increases by two lanes and a road shoulder equivalent to approximately 1,520 small vehicles.Shelvy detailed the addition of parking space that can be done, among others, through the relocation of the Merak train Station, which is able to accommodate an additional 1,000 units of small vehicles, demolition and relocation of the ASDP Merak Branch Office with an additional 150 units of small vehicles, and transfer of the regular passenger zone drop land function with an additional parking potential of approximately 360 small vehicle units.

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