
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) through the Directorate General of Small and Medium Industries (Ditjen IKMA) targets 12,000 new entrepreneurs to grow throughout 2023.

This figure is higher than the previous year's achievement of 3,000 new entrepreneurs.

"The priority of using our budget is to grow new entrepreneurs in potential areas. We also depart from regional potential, then we explore their entrepreneurial spirit," said Director General of Small and Medium Industries and Multifarious Kemenperin Reni Yanita at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Thursday, January 26.

Reni said that the Directorate General of IKMA at the Ministry of Industry received a budget allocation of around IDR 720 billion. Later, a budget of IDR 500 billion will be used to grow new entrepreneurs.

"This budget has increased five times compared to the previous year, which was Rp. 100 billion," he said.

According to Reni, the increase in the budget was related to the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 4 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty.

He said that his party would provide skills training for small and medium industries (IKM) in potential areas, including among Islamic boarding schools.

Santripreneur, said Reni, is a program of the Ministry of Industry to spur the business spirit of the students. Thus, after graduating from the Islamic boarding school, the students can create new businesses and absorb employment.

"So, we train them for their skills, then we provide production equipment assistance, so they can start a business," he said.

According to the plan, the Ministry of Industry will oversee the prospective new entrepreneur to have a Business Identification Number (NIB).

Because, according to Reni, NIB is one of the benchmarks for the growth of new entrepreneurs who produce domestic products.

"Of the 3,000 new entrepreneurs last year, there are 1,400 who have NIB. We hope that this year we can facilitate around 40 percent (of the 12,000) new business actors to have NIB," he added.

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