
YOGYAKARTA - Financial problems have certainly been experienced by all levels of society, including students. Let's find out loans for students!

Apart from relying on remittances from their parents, there are also some students who choose part-time jobs to help with their personal finances.

But sometimes we have urgent needs regarding tuition fees or other things, even though we haven't received a salary.

So, if you are in this position, online loans or borrowing can be a solution, you know, as long as you are wise to apply them.

You don't need to worry about guarantees and complicated prerequisites, because there are suggestions for easy loan applications, you know.

Let's look at the following 4 recommendations for loan applications for students in the Akulaku style, without any guarantees or prerequisites.

Loan Recommendations for Students Through Applications

Ilustrasi Pinjaman Mahasiswa (Gambar Mathieu Stern - Unsplash)
Student Loan Illustration (Mathieu Stern Picture - Unsplash)

Kredit Pintar

So, the first suggestion for a loan application for students is Kredit Pintar, which is also without any collateral or prerequisites.

The loan tenors offered by this application include 14 days, 30 days, and 3 months with a loan amount of up to IDR 2 million.

Tunai Kita

Second, there is Tunai Kita, which is one of the suggestions for loan applications for students without collateral and any conditions.

We can apply for loans ranging from IDR 500 thousand to IDR 20 million with loan tenors ranging from 10 days to 6 months.

Uang Teman

The next recommended loan application for students is Uang Teman, which offers money loans without collateral and any conditions.

However, Uang Teman requires that prospective customers have a profession or a consistent source of income.

The loan tenor offered by this application ranges from 10 to 30 days with a minimum loan amount of IDR 1 million.


Another suggestion for loan applications for students without collateral and the latest requirements is Akulaku, with a limit of IDR 25 million with a tenor of up to 15 months.

Loan Program For University Students

Mandiri Kredit Pendidikan

Mandiri Kredit Pendidikan is a component of Mandiri Multipurpose Micro Credit (KSM).

If you have a business or SME, you can apply for a loan from Mandiri Kredit Pendidikan.

Then, students who take part in the Education Scholarship (Bidikmisi) Program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), for example, can also apply for this loan.

Mandiri Education Credit interest is quite low, namely 0.5 percent per month with a tenor (payment period) of 10 years.

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