
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) urges the DPR to immediately discuss amendments to the Consumer Protection Law (UUPK) to accommodate consumer complaints in the digital era, including complaints about refunds that have been rampant throughout 2022.

"Currently, the UUPK has entered the National Legislation Program, so the DPR needs to immediately discuss the amendments to the UUPK to protect the consumer community," said YLKI Chairman Tulus Abadi as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 20.

YLKI noted that complaints about refunds were in the first serial number on complaints related to online shopping problems.

As many as 32 percent of consumers related to online spending complained about the old refund process and exceeded the promised deadline.

Problems related to refunds also dominate the complaint on housing problems with a percentage of 27 percent.

Consumers often complain that housing agents do not return Down Payment (DP) for failing to pass BI checking even though previously promised DP will return if they do not pass BI checking.

The problem of refunding in transactions is still a matter in various sectors, such as not refunding money, cutting money, refunding is not clear. Whereas in terms of refund regulations it is a consumer right guaranteed by the UUPK," said Tulus.

In addition to the refund, YLKI also assesses that the UUPK to be amended must provide protection for addictive products because in the current UUPK there are no regulations that regulate advertising, marketing and other matters.

"So that consumer addictive products have a different approach, so there must be special articles included in the amendments to the UUPK," he said.

Tulus also encourages the compliance of business actors with the implementation of the Law (Personal Data Protection) and prevents leakage of consumer data, including maximizing the PDP Law as a legal umbrella when transacting digitally because consumer knowledge of business processes, especially e-commerce, is still low, which then creates conflicts when cash on delivery processes occur.

Not to mention there are still many consumers who are stuck with product advertisements with low-price lure, so business actors also need to increase consumer literacy for online transactions, including regarding financial services.

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