
PT PLN (Persero) reports that throughout 2022 it has sold Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) reaching 1.7 million megawatt hour (MWh). This figure has increased more than five times compared to 2021 which has only been distributed 308 thousand MWh.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that the use of REC for 2022 has increased rapidly.

"REC is one of PLN's green product innovations to make it easier for customers to get recognition for internationally recognized use of EBT," Darmawan explained in an official statement, Friday, January 20.

Until now, Darmawan added five Presidential Palaces and Cultural Heritage of the Mangkunegaran Palace are those that are users of the PLN REC. In addition, there are also national and multinational companies such as Nike Indonesia, Cheil Jedang Indonesia, Air Liquide Indonesia, and Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna. The total number of companies has reached 272 customers for 2022.

He emphasized that the PLN REC could be an option to provide EBT for companies and other customers that require recognition of the use of clean energy. Because the PLN REC has international standards 'RE-100 Best Practices Guidelines' and 'Carbon Disclosure Project' (CDP).

"PLN wants to present a relatively easy, fast EBT procurement option with a wide reach for corporate buyers. Previously, REC services that had international standards were only enjoyed through systems abroad, now they are available domestically and sourced from EBT plants in Indonesia," he said.

He explained, throughout 2022, total sales of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Certificate Certificates reached 1.7 million megawatt hour (MWh). This figure has increased more than five times compared to 2021 which has only been distributed 308 thousand MWh.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, the use of REC for 2022 has increased rapidly. This shows that REC is increasingly in demand by customers.

"REC is one of PLN's green product innovations to make it easier for customers to get recognition for internationally recognized use of EBT," Darmawan explained.

Until now, Darmawan added five Presidential Palaces and Cultural Heritage of the Mangkunegaran Palace are those that are users of the PLN REC. In addition, there are also national and multinational companies such as Nike Indonesia, Cheil Jedang Indonesia, Air Liquide Indonesia, and Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna. The total number of companies has reached 272 customers for 2022.

He emphasized that the PLN REC could be an option to provide EBT for companies and other customers that require recognition of the use of clean energy. Because the PLN REC has international standards 'RE-100 Best Practices Guidelines' and 'Carbon Disclosure Project' (CDP).

"PLN wants to present a relatively easy, fast EBT procurement option with a wide reach for corporate buyers. Previously, REC services that had international standards were only enjoyed through systems abroad, now they are available domestically and sourced from EBT plants in Indonesia," he said.

He explained that until now there are four PLN plants that are ready to supply green electricity for REC customers, namely the Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) located in the Central Java Bali electricity system, the Lahendong PLTP and the Bakaru Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) which are included in the Sulawesi electricity system and the Ulubelu PLTP which is included in the Sumatra electricity system.

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