
JAKARTA - The government has decided to continue the Pre-Employment Card Program with a normal scheme this year. The Pre-Employment Card Program is now focused on increasing competence, productivity, entrepreneurship and labor force competitiveness.

Head of Partnership and Management Program for the Implementation of the Pre-Employment Card Program (MPPKP) Dwina M. Putri emphasized that the training fields available in the program ecosystem will be prioritized for the skills most needed today and next.

This refers to research from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Bappenas, World Bank and other institutions such as the 2018 Critical Occupation List report, Indonesia's Occupational Tasks and Skills in 2020, 2020 World Economic Forum Future Job Report study, and 2020 Online Vacancy Outlook research.

"The most needed jobs are in accordance with these studies, including in the fields of business, offices, manufacturing, creative economy, engineering, agriculture, individual services, and hospitality," he said in a press conference, in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 18.

Dwina said that to support the provision of these various trainings, there were several changes, such as the addition of the duration of the training, which was originally at least 6 hours to a minimum of 15 hours.

Then, the training mode takes place online, offline, and mix (incrementally). Then, this program may also be followed by recipients of assistance from other ministries/agencies such as Social Assistance, Wage Subsidy Assistance or Assistance for Micro Business Actors (BPUM).

"This is different from before where the Pre-Employment Card Program could not be given to the recipients of the assistance," he explained.

However, said Dwina, the requirements for participating in the Pre-Employment Card program have not been changed much. First, Indonesian citizens (WNI) are 18 years and over. Second, have never received assistance from the Pre-Employment Program.

Third, they are not currently pursuing formal education. Fourth, not state officials, leaders and members of the DPRD, ASN, TNI Soldiers, members of the National Police, Village Heads and village officials and Directors/Commissioners/Supervisory Boards and BUMN or BUMDs. Finally, a maximum of 2 NIKs in 1 KK who are Pre-Employment Card Recipients.

Offline or offline, Dwina added, the Pre-Employment Card Program will start in 10 big cities and gradually be increased throughout Indonesia.

"Starting from Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Bali, Pontianak, Makassar, Kupang, and Jayapura," he said.

Meanwhile, online or online modes, the same as before, can be followed from all provinces.

For your information, from the beginning of the opening of Wave 1 in April 2020 to Wave 47 at the end of 2022, the Pre-Employment Card Program has provided benefits for 16.42 million recipients from 514 districts/cities in Indonesia.

Based on the number of participants in 2022, 53.6 percent of participants came from 212 districts/cities targeting extreme poverty reduction and include prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) and people with disabilities.

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