
PT Pertamina (Persero) through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit signed a cooperation agreement with the TNI and Polri to secure the Balikpapan Refinery which is a vital national object.

General Manager of PT KPI Balikpapan Unit Arafat Bayu Nugroho said that the support from security officers was greatly felt by PT KPI Balikpapan Unit in carrying out its operations.

"This collaboration is part of synergy efforts and builds collaboration between the oil and gas world and security forces," Bayu told the media, Friday, January 13.

Bayu also explained that the Balikpapan Refinery has an important role and position.

"The Balikpapan refinery carries out a mandate to ensure the availability of energy, especially in Kalimantan and Eastern Indonesia. This is a critical and important task," explained Bayu.

Therefore, Bayu continued, PT KPI Balikpapan Unit requires support, especially from the security forces.

"The synergy that we have built so far is expected to ensure that the refinery can run safely and normally," said Bayu.

Responding to the cooperation, Assistant Operations (Asops) Kodam VI Mulawarman Andreas Nanang DP expressed his gratitude for the cooperation that had been carried out so far between Pertamina and the security forces.

The same thing was conveyed by the Commander of Dhomber Air Base Colonel Pnb Sidik Setiyno who invited all parties to work together to maintain security.

Meanwhile, Commander of the Balikpapan Lanal Marine Colonel (K) Rasyid Al Hafiz said that the cooperation between Pertamina and the Indonesian Navy had been going on for a long time and was very important.

"The Navy is one of the users of Pertamina's fuel. So that security against fuel production is also very important. Everyone needs Pertamina's condition to be safe," concluded Rasyid.

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