
KENDARI - Bank Indonesia Representative Office Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) targets 120,000 new users during 2023 to make digital Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) payments.

Head of BI Sultra Doni Saptadijaya said this target increased from 2022 as many as 82,000 new QRIS users have been achieved so that his party is also optimistic that the target in 2023 can also be achieved.

"Last year we targeted 82,000, now we have no decision from the center, but this year we hope for around 120,000 new QRIS users," he said.

Bank Indonesia continues to encourage the development of payment systems with accelerated programs and expansion of digitalization so that a digital financial ecosystem is formed in the Southeast Sulawesi region.

He conveyed that his party continues to make various expansion efforts, one of which is how to implement local government financial transactions, in this case, in collaboration with district/city governments to pay tax levies using QRIS.

The reason is, transactions carried out through levies and taxes have a fairly large amount.

The next effort is how to optimize the use of QRIS in existing markets in Kendari City.

"So, in addition to retribution withdrawal transactions by market managers, also for trade transactions between sellers and buyers can also be done using QRIS," he said.

To achieve the target of new users, BI Sultra is also working with banks, especially the Regional Development Bank (BPD) of Southeast Sulawesi so that optimization and acceleration can be achieved in a short time.

Doni said that currently the Southeast Sulawesi BPD is currently in the process of applying for a permit so that it can use the QRIS digital payment method.

If you get permission, the acceleration of QRIS expansion in Southeast Sulawesi will be faster because many Southeast Sulawesi bank customers are mostly State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

Doni added that his party will continue to provide assistance and socialize the use of QRIS to cross-sectors starting from business actors, schools and the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) in Kendari.

According to him, the non-cash payment system provides enormous benefits, including sellers no longer having to prepare money back, transactions are easier, safer, faster, and can even suppress the circulation of money that is not suitable for distribution to counterfeit money.

"By using QRIS everything is easier and safer. There is no need to prepare money back and others," said Doni.

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