
Economic observer from Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indrayanti Sudirman, is optimistic that South Sulawesi (Sulsel)'s economic growth will be better than the national average in line with the increase in exports which will have an impact on increasing gross domestic product (GDP).

"In 2023 it will be a better year for South Sulawesi Province by looking at the development of commodity production which tends to increase above the national average," said Indriyanti as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 9.

He said the projected economic growth in South Sulawesi would be better than the national average by looking at the development of South Sulawesi's commodity exports which continued to increase after the pandemic slowed down.

According to Indriyanti, the South Sulawesi Provincial government through strategic efforts, especially in the agricultural sector, has been able to mobilize independent seeds whose products are the latest generation to increase rice production in South Sulawesi as food buffers.

This latest independent seed movement, he continued, will increase South Sulawesi's food production as well as provide positive opportunities for international trade in supporting increased economic growth in South Sulawesi.

This condition, according to him, will encourage an increase in GDP which will also increase people's purchasing power and people's welfare will improve compared to when the restrictions were still tightening during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is clear is that the independent seed program initiated by the Governor of South Sulawesi will be one of the competitiveness for South Sulawesi Province to face global trade.

In addition to the breakthrough in the procurement of independent seeds, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government also continues to encourage the existence of SMEs by providing opportunities for downstreaming as a form of increasing the added value of the community, including community productivity in South Sulawesi.

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